Job Details

Contact Person jobs emirates
Job Type Full Time
Country emirates
City Sharjah
Salary Confidential
Publish Date 2025-02-24

jobs emirates Direct employer 2023-12-29 09:48:32
jobs emirates
Job Description

Our family is looking to hire a domestic helper to assist us with tasks around the house. In this role, you will be asked to do many different things depending on what’s needed on a particular day. For example, some of your tasks will involve cleaning. You’ll sweep up, clean countertops, and help us with our laundry, among other things. You’ll also spend some time helping us with childcare tasks, such as preparing food for our children and cleaning up after them. We also may ask you to go outside of the home to help us complete needed tasks. You might be asked to do things like pick up groceries or go to the store and grab needed supplies on some days.

Whatsapp +971 50 993 2688....
